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Benefits of Applying Ceramic Coating on Windshield Protection Film

5 min read

If you’re looking to maintain and extend the life of your windshield protection film, ceramic coatings are an excellent option to consider. These coatings create a strong, water-repellent layer that reduces how often you need to use your wipers and helps keep dirt and haze from building up.

Our Ceramic Coating Guidelines for ExoShield PET-based Windshield Protection Films provide all the essential details, including the benefits of ceramic coatings, step-by-step application instructions, and the top recommended brands for use with GT3+ or ULTRA kits. Every recommendation is based on extensive testing to ensure optimal performance.

What Are Ceramic Coatings?

Ceramic coatings are liquid polymers applied to surfaces to form a protective, water-repellent layer. Known for their durability and hydrophobic properties, these coatings help repel water, dirt, and contaminants, significantly reducing the frequency and effort of cleaning.

Why Use Ceramic Coatings on ExoShield?

While ExoShield GT3+ is designed to deliver outstanding durability and protection, applying a ceramic coating can further enhance your experience by:

  1. Improving Hydrophobicity: Ceramic coatings enhance water repellence, reducing reliance on wiper blades and making your windshield easier to clean.

  1. Minimizing Environmental Impact: By reducing haze caused by dirt, oils, and other environmental elements, coatings maintain the pristine look and functionality of the ExoShield film.

  1. Prolonging Performance: Replenishing the hydrophobic layer helps extend ExoShield’s lifetime, ensuring optimal protection and minimal maintenance hassle.

While applying a ceramic coating isn’t mandatory, it offers clear benefits for maximizing your ExoShield's lifespan and efficiency.

ExoShield-Recommended Coatings 

Based on extensive testing, the following ceramic coatings have been tested and are recommended for use with ExoShield GT3+ and ULTRA kits.

Chart listing the names of recommended ceramic coatings compatible with ExoShield GT3+ and ULTRA

Suggested Use and Maintenance Schedule 

Application Instruction:

  • Clean the windshield thoroughly to remove dirt, haze, or any contaminants.
  • Ensure the application area is shaded and free from direct sunlight to prevent premature curing.
  • Follow the product-specific instructions for applying and buffing the coating.
  • Make sure the windshield is protected from environmental exposure for at least 24 hours after application.


“Always use a microfiber cloth or applicator to ensure even application and avoid scratching the surface.”

Maintenance Schedule for Ceramic Coatings

Initial Application:

  1. Initial Application: Apply a ceramic coating shortly after installing ExoShield GT3+. This can help reduce the likelihood of unwanted chemicals such as oils from the road from being deposited on the surface of the film and causing a hazy appearance.

  1. Inspection and Reapplication: Check hydrophobic performance every 3–6 months and reapply the coating as necessary to maintain optimal performance.

  1. Regular Cleaning: Use compatible cleaning products to avoid stripping the coating. 


“ Refrain from using abrasive cleaning products that might degrade the ceramic coating or the ExoShield film.”

Contact Information

We make an effort to regularly test new products for compatibility with ExoShield’s automotive film products. If you have another coating or product that you would like to use with ExoShield, contact us at help@getexoshield.com.

Learn More About ExoShield Products


Looking for the right installer for your automotive protection film? Click here for a map of certified installers.

Looking for a windshield protection film installer?

Check out our map to find our list of certified windshield protection film installers.

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